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Help each other and strive for self-development – this is the power of well-communicated goals and team effort. Leave your team to work and provide only a helicopter view from the distance. Just do not fly too close!

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For me creativity stems from different sources. For instance, you may trigger it through “a new way of connecting the dots” exercise: you need to stay open-minded, seize different perspectives and next put them together in a bold and novel way. Inspiration may come from various sources and the trick is to know how to induce the linkage and exchange between stakeholders to integrate them into a simple solution, i.e. a creative idea…

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Management by mathematics


Here you have six stories about management powered by mathematics: simple equations to be adopted by anyone, depending on the situation at hand, or cast at random, after throwing the dice. So let m2 roll!

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DevOps for Real Estate business?


DevOps is the philosophy that has been in use in the IT business for more than ten years. It all started with a problem: people who were responsible for app development did not care about costs of …..product release. When one function was added, servers were down as they could not handle relevant calculations. The application didn’t work. Developers put the blame on sever maintenance staff, who would react by saying that no one had discussed higher loads with them. It was chaos (!)

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Human & Digit, powered by art


The “Human & Digit, powered by art” project started as an idea of ​​combining art and technology, music and movement, man and machines. We wanted to show endless possibilities of combining various areas of human activity, both classic and modern.

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Interview with Daniel Puchalski


Interview with Daniel Puchalski, former rugby player and twice-winner of the Polish Championship (First Senior League). He ranked third in the League, won the Polish Cup (in the 1990s) and the Polish Veterans Championship (he won the championship, and remained the runner-up for the next 20 years). He studied at the University of Gdańsk, the University of Business and Administration in Gdynia and the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw.

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