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of innovation

Who am I ?

I am driven by two passions: a deep belief in innovation and the expertise and practical experience in project management.. I have been transforming organizations and cities, getting tangible outcomes in developing projects of BP fuel stations, Manufaktura Center in Łódź, at Skanska, Echo Investments S.A or, at present, as the CEO of Archicom S.A.
More about me

What can I do for you?

and motivation

and implementation


I specialize in project management, where the key is to combine creativity with implementation and a holistic view of building value. My experience allows me to build bridges between new ideas and their real application, transforming ideas into concrete success. I am looking for analogies between different worlds. If you need speech, mentoring or consultation, check how we can cooperate.
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My areas for you and your organization:

project management
strategy and management
sustainable development
modern city
intergenerational cooperation

My way of doing

I am guided by „People to People”, philosophy. You can learn more about my approach here. I believe that the human being should be at the heart of every project, and that empathy, listening and understanding are key to effective management and value creation.

As the author of Dice Dilemma  and the co-founder of Coffideas I am always on a quest for novel, creative forms of cooperation and networking. Feel free to visit my world where pragmatic approach meets passion and where every project is yet another opportunity to discover new dimensions of management and “delivering” specific goals.

