The “Human & Digit, powered by art” project started as an idea of combining art and technology, music and movement, man and machines. We wanted to show endless possibilities of combining various areas of human activity, both classic and modern. The idea was to put together a dance of the students of the Private Ballet School in Łódź with YuMi robots and music. Elżbieta Wiśniewska from the Private Ballet School in Łódź was responsible for the choreography, while robot’s software was developed by students of the Łódź University of Technology, under the leadership of Przemysław Zakrzewski from ABB. The music was composed by Marek Biliński, the forerunner of electronic music in Poland. We got great support from Ksawery Dzitko, Kazimierz Monkiewicz and the extremely helpful Head of IFE, Dorota Piotrowska.
Our intention was to inspire for action, foster team work and promote open minds. We hope that by combing digital solutions, empathy and arts we will be able to show the role of passion in our lives, the importance of team work and individuality, and possible ways of searching for artistic inspiration and creativity.