copyright: M. Blachon
INTEGRATION is one of the good yet challenging practices in many organizations which I had to chance to observe. For each, even small change you need to find out how the whole concept will fit into your company or your business. Having agreed that it really fits, through tests, checks, feedback and possible adjustments, you can start your uphill journey of IMPLEMENTATION.
Very often many projects, concepts and brilliant ideas simply fail due to the missing managerial buy-in and people’s excitement at every level. Their effects are felt in other departments than initially expected and you may not necessarily have a positive story of change or courage to act.
Each time it’s like an experiment: a new way of doing things without any benefits apparent immediately or only in the long run. At the beginning all changes, even the tiny ones, look the same, whether they are successes or failures. It’s worth trying! Here you can read about small changes and innovation as creativity, all of them implemented successfully: https://waldekolbryk.com/management-by-mathematics/
I believe that once integrated into the system, reviewed and developed, small changes build real value over time. It may be a leap into a different reality…
CARTOON: journey to success by copyright M. Blachon